Political and business mission from Macau and China to visit East Timor and Singapore

Macauhub - China, 26 May – The former chief executive of Macau, Edmund Ho is to lead a political and business mission from Macau and mainland China to East Timor and Singapore, due to take place from 6 to 9 June, a source close to the organisers of the visit said, cited by Portuguese news agency Lusa.
The mission is due to leave Macau on 6 June and remain in the East Timor capital for one day. It will be received by Timorese President, José Ramos Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão, the source said.
In Singapore, as well as making business contacts, the delegation of at least 50 people is due to visit the new entertainment area on Sentosa Island, where hotels and casinos have been built, one of which is owned by Las Vegas Sands, which has two of the largest casinos in the world located in Macau.
“It is a very short visit that aims to increase toes not only with east Timor, but also Singapore taking advantage of Macau’s potential as a platform for services and to bring companies and businesspeople from China closer to Portuguese-speaking countries and others in the region,” the source said.
In June, Francis Tam is also due to visit East Timor heading a business delegation from Macau that will join the business mission from China headed by Chinese Trade Minister, Chen Jian. (macauhub)

Joint ASEAN Consultation, iha Dili

Dili - Iha Segunda loron 30 Maio 2011, Ministériu Negósius Estranjeirus  hamutuk ho’o Ministério Finansan , no mós asisténsia husi  Institutu Banku Dezenvolvimentu Aziatiku  no  Banku Dezenvolvimentu Aziatiku, sei halo Sorumutu  Joint ASEAN Consultation , iha Dili

Tuir karta komunikado ba imprensa neebe Gabineti MNE via internet ba Jornalista sira haktuir katak, sorumutu ida ne’e iha objektivu atu fahe informasaun  iha areas dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku iha ASEAN nia membrus sira hotu, ne’ebe inklui Timor-Leste.

Ministériu Negosius Estranjeirus sei fahe  informasaun ho objektivu preparasaun hodi Timor-Leste tama iha ASEAN.

Dr. Marciano da Silva, Diretor  Jeral ba Integrasaun Rejional, Ministériu Negósius Estranjeirus,  komenta kona ba sorumutu ne’e hateten katak “  Join Konsultation  sei buka liu liu iha ASEAN, benefisius ne’ebe Timor-Leste  sei hetan , no dezafius ne’ebe  Timor-Leste sei hasoru wainhira  tama ASEAN”. Dr Marciano da Silva mos hateten katak :” Eventu ne’e  hanesan parte hodi halo governo no instituisoins estadu nian no mos grupos sira ne’ebe interesadu haré importansia  kona ba preparasaun Timor-Leste   atu sai  membru ASEAN nian."

Eventus hanesan ida ne’e sei kontinua  halao iha Timor-Leste ho objective atu involve membrus husi governo no estadu nia funsionarius seniores sira  atu  komprendi  sa ida lós maka ASEAN  nia papel iha reuniaun no nia impaktu ba Timor-Leste nia dezenvolvimentu

Soru mutu ne’e  halo iha Salaun Nobre Ministériu dos Negósius Estranjeirus nian . Hahu iha tuko 8:30 dader . (*/falcao)


29 Maiu 2011
Trajédia sira ne’ebé akontese tiha ona ba soldadu sira manutensaun pás Nasoins Unidas nian iha tinan ida ne’e sai nu’udar lembransa laran-susar nian ida kona-ba risku sira ne’ebé envolve iha sira-nia servisu importante ba pás. Bainhira ita selebra Loron Internasionál ba Soldadu sira Manutensaun Pás Nasoins Unidas nian, ita hato’o tributu ba militár, polísia no ema sivil liu na’in 120.000 ne’ebé serbí iha mundu tomak iha bandeira azul nia okos no hanoin hikas ema sira ne’ebé lakon sira-nia moris ba kauza pás nian.
Iha fulan sira foin lalais ne’e, Nasoins Unidas sofre tiha ona trajédia sira lubuk ida iha sekuensia ne’ebé lalais. Iha prinsípiu fulan-Abril, pesoál na’in ualu ema oho iha atake ida hasoru kompleksu ONU nian iha Afeganistaun. Somente iha loron balun tuirmai, ema na’in 32, sira barak ne’e nu’udar funsionáriu ONU, lakon iha asidente aviaun nian ida ne’ebé serbí operasaun manutensaun pás Nasoins Unidas nian iha Repúblika Demokrátika Kongu. Insidente sira ne’e aumenta tan ba insidente sira seluk ne’ebé envolve fatalidade sira iha mundu tomak, no tuir fali ho akontesimentu todan tinan kotuk, bainhira soldadu na’in 173 lakon sira-nia moris tanba dezastre natural, violénsia, asidente no moras, inklui liu ema na’in 100 mak lakon sira-nia moris iha golpe úniku no maka’as rai-nakdoko nian ne’ebé akontese iha fulan-Janeiru iha Haití.
Bainhira ita hanoin hikas sakrifísiu boot ita-nia pesoál sira-nian, ita mós sauda sira-nia rezultadu. Desde hosi fó apoiu ba referendum Sudaun Súl nian ba to’o tulun atu resolve krize pós-eleitorál iha Kosta-Marfín,  desde hosi apoiu fó formasaun, kapasitasaun no dezenvolvimentu institusionál ba polísia iha Timor-Leste ba to’o patrullamentu iha foho oan sira iha parte súl Líbanu nian, kapasete azul sira Nasoins Unidas nian reprezenta tiha ona Organizasaun ne’e iha nia esforsu di’ak: hodi restaura estabilidade, promove rekonsiliasaun no haburas esperansa ba loron-aban nian ida-ne’ebé di’ak liután.
Sira-nia kolokasaun sai nu’udar manifestasaun ba ita-nia konviksaun koletivu katak ema sira ne’ebé sobrevive tiha ona funu ida labele atu sofre tan periodu inseguransa, injustisa no tauk—no katak somente liuhosi muda sai tiha ona kondisaun sira-ne’e mak ita bele hamosu pás duradora.
Respeitu ba estadu direitu, tema ba Loron ida-ne’e nian ba tinan 2011, sai esensiál ba manutensaun pás ne’ebé iha susesu. Buat ida-ne’e ezije haforsa konfiansa ba iha polísia, sistema justisa no servisu prizaun nian.  Tanba ne’e mak  Nasoins Unidas fó treinu ba polísia atu labele abuza sia-nia poder, apoia funsionamentu regulár tribunal sira-nian hodi serbí justisa, no serbisu atu nune’e detensaun sira iha fatin ho kondisaun umana.
Iha loron Soldadu Manutensaun Pás Nasoins Unidas nian ida-ne’e, ne’ebé foka ba iha estadu direitu, ita agradese rai sira ne’ebé kontribui tropa, polísia no pesoál sivil ba ita-nia operasaun sira, no ita fó onra ba individuu sira ne’ebé serbí Nasoins Unidas ho distinsaun no dedikasaun. (*/falcao)

CNRT calls on UNMIT to be responsible for its report Independente

Dili - MP Pedro da Costa Martires from the National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction (CNRT) said that the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) should be responsible for the controversial report which was made by its staff member.
Da Costa stressed, that he disagreed with the recent response of UNMIT saying the report was a personal view and was not representing UNMIT.
“His is not an official document, but they publicized it. Publicizing information which is full of leaning," said MP Da Costa.
MP Fretilin Joaquim Amaral said that this report was tendentious, yet Timor-Leste should be patient and remember what the Timorese done in 1999, before the UN-sponsored referendum was held.

RI, Timor Leste establish cooperation in environment

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesian Environmental Affairs Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta and Timor Leste Economic and Development Minister Joao Mender Goncalves signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on environment cooperation, here, Tuesday.

"Today we begin important cooperation. I hope after the signing of the bilateral cooperation document, we could proceed to cooperation in environmental management," Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta said.

The cooperation with the neighboring country includes those in the fields of land spatial, waste management, land management, climate change, disaster management, regulation development and environmental law enforcement.

They also cover cooperation in integrated management of marine and coastal zones, biodiversity and environment laboratory.

The two countries have also agreed to exchange technical experts, information, best practices, researches` results and training courses.

"For instance, we can share our views on the need to promote the Climate Change Protocol, and have adaptation and biological diversity regional programs following the implementation of the Global Environmental Fund," he said.

Parlamento Nasional Aprova Proposta Lei ba Kooperasaun Judisiária Internasional iha Matéria Penal

Dili - Iha loron 12 fulan Maio, Comisaun “B” Parlamentu Nacional, prezidi husi Dr. Duarte Nunes, aprova lei iha espesialidade, sem votos kontra, proposta lei  kona ba Koperasaun Judisiaria Internasional iha Matéria Penal. 
Redasaun proposta legislativa ne’e, ho’o karáter prosesual, rezulta husi servisu ida ke naruk ho’o kolaborasaun ne’ebe hahu iha tinan 2010, entre Ministériu Negósius Estranjeirus no Ministériu Justisa, sai hanesan rekoñesimentu  kona ba nesidade konsagrasaun plataforma ida ke mai permiti realizasaun aktus kooperasaun nian,entre tribunais nasionais  hira  no Estadus sira seluk, no’o mos entre Estadu Timor-Leste ho Tribunal Penal Internasional .

Tuir proposta lejislativa ida ne’ebe foin aprova iha espesialidade atu,  kria mekanismus ne’e be sei fo posibilidades  kolaborasaun no ajuda orgauns judisiais sira  entre estadu rua no Estadus soberanus, ne’ebe viza garantia no efikasia prestasaun juridisional no iha ultimo kazu, atu haforsa liu tan Estadu Demokratiku  Dirieitu nian.

Momentu ne’e hein hela katak Presidente da Republika promulga  lei ne’e,  hodi sei publika  atu tama iha vigor ba ordem juridika interna Timor-Leste nian. (*/falcao)

Timor Leste membership ‘unlikely in 2011’

Jakarta Post - The inclusion of Timor Leste into ASEAN is unlikely to be accomplished during Indonesia’s leadership tenure this year, since members of the regional grouping have yet to reach a consensus.

“I’m not sure it will be this year. The process has just begun, so we have yet to fully discuss the issue. We need to work on this with all ASEAN members,” Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said Tuesday.
On the sidelines of the conference of the Non-Aligned Movement in Nusa Dua, Marty held a bilateral meeting with Timor Leste Foreign Minister Zacarias Albano da Costa during which he informed his counterpart that it was still a work in progress.

ASEAN leaders are bracing for the upcoming ASEAN Summit and East Asia group Summit in November in Bali, during which Indonesia’s tenure will end.

Marty said that a road map was needed to accelerate the process, while presenting the issue again at the next ASEAN ministerial meeting in July. 

“Ideally for us, all this should be formulized this year, but if there is not yet a consensus, then we should have a road map.”

“What we need is probably some kind of an agreement in principle of Timor Leste belonging to the ASEAN family of nations, and then we can begin making the road map.”

Indonesia has also been working together with Timor Leste in establishing its road map for ASEAN membership capacity building.

In March, Timor Leste lodged the proposal, which was circulated by Indonesia to the nine other ASEAN member states, recommending that the matter be given “urgent attention”.

However, there are reports that Singapore is opposed to the proposal. The main concern is that the newly independent state remains too weak to contribute to ASEAN community building, while possibly widening the gap among ASEAN countries and stalling the vision of an integrated ASEAN by 2015.

However, Marty said, Indonesia believed that it would be better to work with Timor Leste from the beginning of the process, and in the long run, having Timor Leste in ASEAN will further enrich the spectrum of views within the group.

“It is without doubt whatsoever that Timor Leste is part of Southeast Asia in terms of geopolitics, economy, culture. And you can’t have a community in Southeast Asia by excluding one country that would just look in from the outside,” he said.

“We will not always have the same views, but at least [including Timor Leste in ASEAN membership] would enrich debates and discussions.”


STL - Abilio Mausoko, who killed a 45-year old man in Liquiça district, has turned himself in to the police. 
Mausoko appeared in the police station after the Dili District Court issued an arrest warrant.
Speaking to journalists, Acting Commander for Investigation Police, Calisto Gonzaga, said that Mausoko has turned himself in to the police for investigation purposes. He said that is cooperating with the authorities.
Mausoko is suspected to murder a forty-year old man, Custodio, in Liquiça. 

Portuguese company EDP Internacional to re-organise East Timor’s energy sector

Dili, East Timor, 23 May – EDP Internacional is set to re-organise the electricity system in East Timor as part of an agreement signed with the country’s government that will also provide training, technical assistance and draw up a new energy plan, said the chief executive of the Portuguese company in Dili.
Speaking to Portuguese news agency Lusa, Paulo Miraldo said that the memorandum signed with the East Timor government, “is the first step in EDP’s cooperation with the authorities,” and could be decisive in the re-organisation of the energy sector.
“Based on production, whether it is thermal or wind driven, EDP is now a company that is consolidated on the international market and capable of helping companies that are in a phase of growth and development, and that is what is happening in East Timor,” said Miraldo.
The memorandum of understanding, signed in Dili by Miraldo and by the country’s secretary of state for Energy Policy also outlines staff training, “as soon as the Timorese authorities define their priorities.”
EDP Internacional has agreements in Africa, the Caribbean and Asia. (macauhub)

Fairtrade defends coffee certification system

ABC Radio Australia - Last week, Connect Asia ran a story about coffee farmers in East Timor, who were shocked to hear the green coffee cheries they sold to middlemen for 30 cents US went on to be sold for 26 dollars or more in places like Australia, often as a fair trade product.

The farmers said they were desperate to see an increase in the price paid for coffee in order to sustain their very simple lives and send their kids to school. Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand got in touch with Radio Australia, saying they were disappointed with the implication that the fair trade system was not providing benefits for farmers in developing countries.

Presenter: Liam Cochrane
Speaker: Stephen Knapp, CEO Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand
COCHRANE: First of all, let me give the chance to air your concerns about what we broadcast last week?

KNAPP: First of all I think the key point is that Fairtrade Coffee can only be sold as Fairtrade if it's met Fairtrade standards through the entire supply chain and I mean the main part of that is the economic benefits that go to the farmer organisation, which is that they're paid at least a Fairtrade minimum price and then also an additional Fairtrade premium, that goes to the group and the group as a whole decide how they're going to invest that in local community development projects. Now currently the Fairtrade minimum price stands at $1.40 per pound with an additional 20 cents premium for organic certification and a further 30 cents a pound premium which is the community investment premium which goes to the entire group. And I mean we set that minimum standard by doing some research, the minimum price by doing some research with farmers all over the world to try and establish what's the cost of sustainable production and you know exactly as you say what we're looking for is a price that covers the farmers cost of production and also their basic needs, so that they're able to put food on the table, send their kids to school, the sort of things that we take for granted. And then the additional premium then goes to the group as a whole and they decide democratically how they're going to invest that premium in their local communities and time and time again, they decide to invest in better health care facilities, better school facilities for their kids, access to basic needs, in some parts of Africa access to fresh water and things like that are problem, so that's the sort of thing that they would decide to spend the premium money on.

COCHRANE: Now in East Timor, there are four major coffee companies and one of the largest is CCT the Cooperative Cafe Timor. Until recently, that was the Fairtrade organisation I understand, but it has withdrawn from that process, not wanting to meet some of the requirements. Can you explain the situation there?

KNAPP: Yeah, about this time last year, because I mean we obviously do audits and inspections of producer organisations all over the world and there's an annual audit and a three year cycle of a full inspection audit to retain their certification. About this time last year, CCT had an audit and a decision came through from our certification body FLO-CERT, which is an independent certifier and is also accredited to ISO65, which is the international accreditation for certification systems and they were issued with a number of corrective actions in order to retain their certification. They then have six months in order to either address those corrective actions or come back with a plan on how those issues are going to be resolved in the future. CCT decided not to respond to the certifier and so in December, voluntarily withdrew from the Fairtrade certification system.

COCHRANE: So does that mean from now on there will be no Fairtrade coffee coming out of East Timor?

KNAPP: Well, I mean while their under suspension for corrective actions, the producer organisation is still able to fulfil existing orders under their Fairtrade contracts.

COCHRANE: Even though they haven't complied with the certification?

KNAPP: Well, until they're completely decertified yeah and then there's, because what we do is we give the organisations a six month window in which to address their corrective actions. I mean unless their major, if there's problems around using exploitative labour and that sort of thing, then that would be immediate decertification. But if they're minor certification issues, then we give a six month window for producers to be able to address those issues or come up with a plan on how they're going to address those issues. They're not allowed to enter into any new Fairtrade contracts during that period, but they are allowed to fulfil existing contracts.

COCHRANE: I'm speaking with Stephen Knapp, from the Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand Organisation.

Stephen Knapp, the farmer that I spoke to that we heard from earlier the 89 year-old man. He explained that he and his family sold their raw coffee cherries to a businessman, a middleman essentially. He then sold on to CCT, the Cooperative Cafe Timor, which is or was until recently the main Fairtrade company. By that chain of sourcing, it would seem to me like he should be getting some benefits from the Fairtrade system and yet he said that he's never had any assistance from an NGO or from an organisation and was seeking help with processes, with equipment. How is it that this farmer could have fallen through the cracks?

KNAPP: Well, I mean Fairtrade is designed to address exactly those problems and the farmers themselves would be part of a cooperative or an association, like CCT is and the farmers would sell directly into the cooperative. So if that farmer was selling to a middleman who was then selling to the cooperative, that doesn't quite make sense to me, because that's not the way the certification system works. The farmer has to be a member of the cooperative. We check that all the supply that comes into the Cooperative comes from the Cooperative members and because they're members of a certified group. Now the minimum price and the premium is paid to the group as a whole. The farmers are the owners of the cooperative. There's always processing costs involved going from red cherry through to the dry green bean that is then exported and there's usually transportation costs and that sort of thing. So what we check as a certification system is that there's transparency around how those costs are deducted from the price, that the producer organisation receives under Fairtrade and then how those benefits are then distributed to the farmers themselves.

COCHRANE: And yet in this specific case and I must stress this is just one farmer and there are tens-of-thousands in East Timor, so I don't mean this to be a representative sample. But from the few people I spoke to and in particular this one farmer. He's missing out because of this middleman, because of this businessman who's sort of in the middle of that process. Is that the sort of thing, the sort of compliance problems that CCT had in the past that they've been suspended for?

KNAPP: I mean that problem of farmers selling to middlemen. I mean in Latin America they call they coyotes and it's that selling of red cherry at farm gate which is exactly the sort of problem that Fairtrade is trying to address, so that we can build strong producer organisations that are able to get a better price for their members. So I mean it's exactly that very low price that goes to the farmers who are selling their red cherry that we're looking to address through the Fairtrade system. I mean it happens all over the world, not just in East Timor, but this does sound like a particularly low price that that farmers receiving for his hard work.

COCHRANE: With CCT being suspended from the Fairtrade certification system at the moment. Do you think it would concern people buying the product, buying the coffee product here in Australia for a lot of money, $26 sometimes up to $40 in some places. Do you think that they would have the expectation that the source of their coffee is fully certiified Fairtrade?

KNAPP: Yeah, I mean anything that's sold with the Fairtrade label on is fully certified as Fairtrade. I mean we do the checks we have the audit systems in place.

COCHRANE: But you said CCT can continue trading even though it is suspended. It can fulfil its orders?

KNAPP: No, CCT were decertified in December and they cannot sell anymore coffee as Fairtrade certified. I mean there is still Fairtrade certified and organic certified coffee in Australia that has come from the CCT Cooperative. But those are stocks that already exist in Australia and very often coffee roasters will buy their product up to a year in advance and I mean the dried green bean that the roasted coffee is made from has quite a long shelf life. So I mean we may well see Fairtrade certiified coffee from East Timor still around in Australia up to about a year from now. So CCT itself are no longer allowed to sell Fairtrade certified coffee under the Fairtrade system.

President of East Timor Extols Work of Cuban Pedagogues

HAVANA, Cuba, May 20 (acn) Jose Ramos Horta, President of East Timor and Nobel Peace Prize 
winner in 1996, extolled on Friday in Dili the work of the Cuban Literacy Teaching Brigade in that nation of the Asia-Pacific region.

Cuban News Agency - The head of state gave the Order of East Timor Medal and the supporting document to Jorge Salvador Lopez, head of the group of educators, during the ceremony and military parade held at the Government’s Palace, on the occasion of the 19th anniversary of the of the restoration of that small nation’s independence.
With this medal, the authorities and the people of East Timor acknowledge the self-sacrificing work carried out by 80 Cuban professors over the last four years, as a result of which 116,764 citizens have learned how to read and write -50.58 percent of the illiterates that existed at the beginning of the program-, the www.cubaminrex.cu web site reported.
The same medal was granted to the Cuban Medical Brigade on August 30, 2008, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the popular referendum.
At the beginning of this month, during a meeting with medical students of the National University of East Timor, Ramos Horta thanked the Cuban government for its significant support in the fields of education and health.
He mentioned the work carried out by Cuban teachers in his country, which will make it possible to declare East Timor a territory free of illiterates by 2015.
Likewise, he highlighted the role played by Havana’s Medical School and the Cuban
professors in the training of physicians-to-be of East Timor.

Shell can move quickly to build FLNG fleet

Shell may be able to turn out a new 480m FLNG vessel every 18 months, 
all going well. Source: PerthNow
Perth Now - ROYAL Dutch Shell will be able to turn out its giant new Floating Liquified Natural Gas vessels at the rate of one every 18 months, if all goes well with its first effort.
The global oil and gas giant announced today it has signed off on the world’s largest vessel, tipped by analysts to have a $10 billion price tag, which will see its first use off the coast of WA on the Prelude project. The company has already spend hundreds of millions of dollars on engineering and design work, and to prove up the technology that will be used on the vessels.
And Shell has big plans for the platforms, which it believes can be used to tap gas fields that would otherwise be uneconomic to develop.
The giant vessel, designed to chill natural gas at sea and load the LNG directly onto export carriers, avoids the need for a land-based processing facility and will allow gas fields to be developed well away from shore.
Shell is still tight lipped on how long it will take to build the ships, saying only that it expects the Prelude project to begin production in 2017. The ships will be built in Korea, by a consortium lead by Samsung Heavy, at specially fitted out dockyards.The floating facility will be about 480 metres long and 75 metres wide, and will be moored in water around 250 metres deep at the gas field during production, even during cyclones
But Shell executive director Malcolm Brinded told reporters in Perth today the company may be able to turn out a new vessel every 18 months, if initial work goes well.
“Our approach is ‘design one, build many’, because that will bring the cost down each successive application,” he said.
“You need a very large dock to build it, but once you build the hull you can ship the hull out and have it alongside the jetty for installation of all of the tip-sides,” he said.
“The hull is big, but it’s the top-sides and all of the facilities that take all of the time. So I think 12-15 months you could be looking at another [hull].”
In 2009 Samsung Heavy announced it had won a contract with Shell to build the first FLNG ship, along with the exclusive rights to build another nine for the company over the next 15 years.
Mr Brinded tipped the Sunrise project, which straddles Australian and Timor-Leste territorial waters, as the next likely target for an FLNG processing facility.
The Sunrise joint venture project is led by WA’s Woodside Petroleum, and settled on a preference for an FLNG platform some time ago.
The fact the Sunrise partners have settled on a floating concept is the reason it has effectively been blocked by the East Timor government, which wants a processing plant built in East Timor, however.
``We need the support of the Australian government and the Timor-Leste government, and we hope that will be forthcoming,'' Mr Brinded said.
``But our view is there will be many applications for floating LNG for stranded gas that's remote from shore.''
This included other companies wanting to tap into Shell's floating LNG technology and expertise.
Mr Brinded said government studies had shown there was 140 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of stranded gas in Australian waters that was yet to be developed.
With AAP.

East Timor too small for an asylum centre

Australia Network News - A representative from the East Timorese Government says his country is too small to accommodate a regional processing centre for Asylum Seekers. 

Timor's Vice Foreign Affairs Minister Alberto Carlos made the comments while celebrating the ninth anniversary of East Timor's independence at a ceremony in Australia's northern city, Darwin yesterday.

The Australian Government had wanted to set up a regional processing centre in East Timor, but it's now abandoned those plans.

Mr Carlos says he's glad Australia will be sending them elsewhere.

He says, "Timor Leste's very small, just newly independent. Yesterday we celebrate our ninth anniversary. We maybe can contribute in other terms."

UNMIT : Xanana Laos Obstakulu ba Governasaun Demokratiku no Konstitusionalizmu

Dili - Sandra McGuire, Xefe Komunikasaun no Ofisiál Informasaun Públika UNMIT nian fo sai komunikado ba imprensa ida via internet ba Jornalista sira, 19 Maiu 2011, rejeita total dokumentu neebe sita husi Jornal Tempo Semanal katak, Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão sai obstakulu ba Governsaun Demokratiku iha Timor Leste no mos ba konstitusionalizmu.

“Haktuir liután ba ami-nia deklarasaun loron 18, fulan-Maiu nian, permiti ha’u atu hatete kategorikamente katak dokumentu ne’ebé sita hosi Tempo Semanal iha loron 15, fulan-Maiu la’ós nu’udar pontudevista ne’ebé asumi hosi UNMIT,” deklara iha karta komunikado nee.

Ami la fiar katak Primeiru Ministru sai nu’udar obstákulu ba governasaun demokrátiku iha Timor-Leste no mós ba konstitusionalizmu. Ami nota katak Sr. Gusmão ne’e nu’udar Primeiru Ministru ne’ebé eleitu demokratikamente, ne’ebé kontinua governa tuir prinsípiu demokrátiku, mak estabelese ho firme iha Timor-Leste. Prinsípiu sira-ne’e nu’udar rezultadu sakrífisiu sira hosi ema barak, partikularmente Sr. Gusmão nian.

Ami lamenta katak dokumentu ne’e hetan tratamentu hanesan dokumentu ida-ne’ebé reprezenta pontudevista sira UNMIT nian. Ami mós lamenta kona-ba ofensa ruma ne’ebé dokumentu ne’e hamosu. Ami goza tiha ona relasaun servisu ne’ebé di’ak no kordiál ho Governu Timor-Leste iha tinan barak nia laran. Ami hein atu kontinua hala’o relasaun di’ak hirak-ne’e. (*/falcao)


20 MAIU 2011
Ilustre konvidadu sira
Minhas Senhoras e meus Senhores
Povo de Timor-Leste

Iha lorn Restaurasaun ita nia ukun rasik a’an hau hakarak hahu ho hau nia saudasaun kaloroza ba povu tomak, tatolin mo’os lia fuan murak no estimulu ba Timor oan iha mundu tomak, nebe servisu e ka estuda iha fatin dok husi ita nia rai hodi kontribui ba hadiak moris familia no komunidade. Hau nia saudasaun mos ba presente sira, ho kumprimentu espesial ba Primeiru Ministru Guine Bissau, Sr. Carlos Gomes Junior, no Ministru Estadu non Negosius Estrangeirus Portugal, Sr. Luis Amado, nebe mai halibur hamutuk ho ita iha loron ksolok ne’e, hatudu relasaun amizade no solidariedade nebe forte tebes entre ita nia povus no estadus, sira hotu nebe mos povu Timor-Leste hadomin.
Hau prezide ho sentimentu realizasaun no satisfasaun ba selebrasaun 9º Aniversariu Restaurasaun Independensia ne’e. Lori tinan sia ho serbisu maka’as, mak pais liu husi momentu euforia, wainhira ita hare katak ita nia mehi hotu karik sei bele, iha tempu crize, nebe ita hare katak buat hotu karik labele onan. Maibe hau nia satisfasaun iha baze ne’ebe metin. Povu duni mak bele atu hakribi violensia, hodi sira hakat liu susar oioin no serbisu lorloron ba futuru ida ne’ebe diak liu. Estadu kontinua ho nia knar atu kria serbisu, ho atensaun liu-liu ba servisu Saude, Edukasaun no fo tulun ba grupu sosial ne’be mukit tebes. Instituisaun hirak ne’ebe ita hari ho Restaurasaun Independensia nian, la’o dadaun, hodi respeita ba povu no Estadu de Direitu. Ida ne’e duni mak baze husi hau nia sentimentu realizasaun.
Waihira ita tetun didiak, hau konklui katak tinan hirak ne’e iha duni progresu no dezenvolvimentu. Povu nia moris sei susar, mukit sei todan nafatin. Maibe, familia barak liu mak hetan mos moris diak ida kompara ho tinan sia liu ba ne’e. Labarik sira nia ibun hahu hamnasa fali ona. Devastasaun ne’ebe ita no Nasoens Unidas hasàn, iha tinan 1999, ita hakat liu dadaun ona no ida ne’e ita tau ona ba kotuk.
Sasukat ne’ebe ita tetu tenki bazeia ba rezultadu. Sistema kona ba saude, ne’ebe oras ne’e ita hari dadaun husi zero, to’o 2009, vasina onan labarik hamutuk rihun 80, hodi nune iha ona kondisaun ne’ebe diak atu sira dezenvolve ho saude. Kona ba deteksaun no kura moras tuberkuloze, ita atinji ona iha tinan 2010, meta hirak ne’e estabelese ba tinan 2015. Ida ne’e mos akontese ba meta mortalidade infantil ba labarik ne’be kiik liu husi tinan ida to’o tinan lima. Moras Lepra ita halakon tomak ona iha ita nia rai ne’e. Iha tinan lima nia laran to’o tinan 2009, mortalidade inan reduz ona ba tersu ida, maske sei as nafatin. Kombate ba infesaun no tratamentu VIH/Sida asegura gratuitamente husi Estadu, ida ne’e prioridade governu nian, hetan mos tulun husi organizasaun kristan nebe kompetente no dedikadu. Vijilansia ba evolusaun infesaun iha ita nia let tenki iha akompainamentu espesial ida husi Servisu Saude nian. Ita dezenvolve dadaun ona iha oras ne’e Rede ida ba Sentru Saude, hodi servi ita nia rai tomak, ne’e nudar modelu ida ba rai hirak iha rejiaun ne’e nebe la’iha serbisu nasional Saude nian. 
Iha nivel  Edukasaun nian, ita simu sistema eskolar ne’ebe naksobu tomak. Ohin loron, ita iha liu tan ona eskola rihun ida atus ida ne’ebe funsiona iha paiz tomak. Iha  ensinu primáriu no iha segundo no terseiru siklu  ensinu baziku, persentajen matrikula eskolar nian sa’e husi 60%, iha  2007, ba 83%, iha tinan 2010. Ita haka’as an maka’as atu forma lalais kuadru nasional – iha  Timor-Leste ka iha rai estranjeiru, liu husi bolsu  estudu ba area oioin. Estudante sira iha Medisina, por ejemplu, hamutuk  to’o rihun ida nebe  mak estuda iha Timor-Leste, Cuba, Portugal, Austrália, Filipinas, Indonésia no Fiji, no sira ne’e sei sai formadu iha tinan 4 ba 5 nia laran.
 Relatório  Nasoens Unidas nian kona ba  Dezenvolvimentu Umanu, sei fo sai ba publiku iha fulan ne’e, hatudu dalan ne’be ita lao onan,  hodi hakat liu, iha tinan 9 wainhira  independente, paíz hirak hanesan  Myanmar, Laos no Cambodja, iha rejiaun  ASEAN nian, no ultrpasa paiz afrikanu sira, maske paiz hirak ne’e hetan independensia uluk nanis ba ita
Lo’os, katak, tinan sia ikus ne’e sai duni, tinan ba progresu no dezenvolvimentu. Justu duni atu ita rekoinese rezuktadu hirak ne’ebe diak. Maibe ita mos la’bele deskansa ona ho ida ne’e, ba’sa kualker esesu optimusmu nian bele halu ita fila ba kotuk husi buat ne’ebe ita hetan ona. Baihira hau sublina susesu hirak ne’e hau sei la’haluha mos problema nebe ita hasoru. Koalia deit kona ba area Edukasaun no Saude, tan’ba iha area hirak ne’e mak iha investimentu ne’ebe murak liu ba dezenvolvimentu umanu no sosial paiz nian, ita mos sei fo atensaun ba dezafiu ne’ebe ita kontinua hasoru iha ita nia oin no tenki investe atu kria kondisaun ba dezenvolvimentu iha tinan 20 tuir mai.
Liafuan rekoinesimentu ida ba apoiu importante ne’ebe ita hetan husi komunidade internasional, husi ita nia belun sira parseiru dezenvolvimentu no Nasoens Unidas no nia ajensia espesializada hirak ne’e. Karik sira la fo’o tulun mai ita, dalan ruma ita la’hetan rezultadu hotu ne’ebe ita konsegue ne’e. Ita nia Povu apresia tebes asistensia no koperasaun ho komunidade internasional no koperasaun hirak ne’e sei importante nafatin ba Timor-Leste, iha tinan ikus mai ne’e.
Serbisu Estadu nian tenki aumenta atensaun no halu buat hotu nebe bele atu kumpri Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Mileniu nian. Iha area Saude nian, urjente tebes atu hadia akompainamentu ba inan isin rua sira, aumentu numeru partu nebe hetan asistensia husi parteira no mediku sira no reduz taxa mortalidade materna iha ita nia paíz ne’ebe sei às liu. Prioridade ne’be hanesan sei fo mós ba taxa vasinasaun infantil nian. Ida ne’e sai nudar indikador ne’ebe importante ba saúde jerasaun ikus sira nian.
Ita sei hatan diak liu tan kona ba lakuna no faila iha ita nia hospital hirak ne’e, rezolve situasaun falta ekipamentu nian no hadia sistema hodi evita falta aimoruk balu, nebe dala ruma akontese, nebe kauza prejuizu ba saude utente sira nian no fo’o todan ba familia sira tamba tenki sosa aimoruk ho sira nia osan rasik.

Hau lansa mós apelu ida ba ita nia médiku sira atu la’bele privelijia deit sira nia klinika privada no keta monu iha tentasaun hodi haruka ema moras sira husi serbisu publiku ba sira nia konsultoriu partikular. Problema hanesan ne’e la’os iha Timor Leste deit, existe mo’os iha paiz hirak nebe iha sistema Saude Publiku ne’ebe forte, baihira mediku sira akumula atividade publika no privada. Governu tenki halo estudu ida atu avalia ho rigor kondisaun kona ba akumulasaun hirak ne’e no nia efeitu iha serbisu Saude nian.

Povo de Timor-Leste. Excelências

Riku’soi ne’ebe boot liu iha paiz ida-idak mak ninia povu. Valorizasaun kapasidade povu nian, liu husi Edukasaun no formasaun, la’os teknika deit, maibe ho edukasaun integral ida ne’ebe dezenvolve formasaun espiritual no valores konstitui investimentu ne’ebe importante no metin liu ba paiz ne’e. Eduksaun sai nudar responsabilidade familia sira nian, la’iha duvida, maibe ida ne’e mos responsabilidade no dever ida ba komunidade hotu-hotu.

Família mak rin sosiedade nian - iha rin ida ne’ebe tenki hatur sistema edukativu. Governu iha dever atu habelar asaun ba sistema ne’e hodi insentiva Edukasaun ba familia sira, ho lansamentu programa edukasaun familiar no komunitaria, ne’ebe transmite liu husi radiu no televizaun, ho objetivu atu tulun familia sira atu sira fo Edukasaun ne’ebe diak ba sira nia oan, hahu ho idade nurak. Iha fatin seluk, governu tenki hari rede ba jardim infansia nian, tan ida ne’e sei kontribui atu meilora formasaun ba labarik sira husi nanis wain kedas. Iha jardim infansia partikular, ne’ebe a funsiona iha ita nia rai, ne’ebe bele serve hanesan ejemplu ba ita nia serbisu Edukasaun.

Iha Orsamentu Estadu nian ba tinan 2012, Governu la’bele husu verba ne’ebe boot liu husi ida ne’ebe orsamenta ona ba tinan ne’e. Hare ba ejekusaun orsamental iha infaestrura ne’ebe la’os sufisiente iha tinan 2009 no 2010 ita bele hein katak verba ba tinan 2011, dala ida tan, sei la’ejekuta hotu. Nune’e, verba hirak ba tinan 2012 la’bele bo’ot liu verba tinan 2011 nian, no bele iha mos redusaun ruma, ho esesaun ba orsamentu iha área Edukasaun, Saúde no Agrikultura. Iha kazu ikus liu ne’e, esesaun justifika tuir nesesidade atu investe liu tan hodi hadia Seguransa Alimentar iha ita nia rai. Iha area hirak ne’e justifika atu kontinua reforsa orsamentu ba investimentu.

Kona ba Edukasaun, ita tenki investe fortemente iha kualidade ensinu nian. Ita sei promove aumentu ba assiduidade alunu no profesor sira nian, meiloria ba abastesimentu we nian, ijiene eskolar nian no kndisaun sanitaria, ba kuantidade no kualidade instrumentu apoiu ensinu nian, hanesan organiza biblioteka kiik iha eskola ida-idak, hanesan ejemplu, atu pr profesor no alunu sira bele uza. Vida eskola hirak iha Timor-Leste tenki liga hamutuk ho familia alunu sira nian no komunidade lokal sira. Eskola sai nudar ekipamentu sosial ne’ebe importante, ho biblioteka, kampu ba jogu no espasu ne’ebe sei serbi mos komunidade. Edifisiu hirak eskola nian sai nudar fatin hasoru malu no polu kultura nian no sei nakloke iha fim de semana no kalan iha loron semana nian, hafoin aula remata. Ligasaun familia nian no komunidade Eskola sei kontribui ba hadiak assiduidade, rezultadu eskolar no akompainamentu ne’ebe familia sira hala’o ba sira nia oan sira.

Ohin hau hakara lansa dezafiu ida, proposta inovadora ida, ho baze iha karateristika sosial no kultural ita nia komunidade nasional, ho objetivu atu fo impulsu ba hadiak funsionamentu eskola no kualidade ensinu.

Habelar no hadiak ita nia rede eskolar, Edukasaun ba labarik sira, ba familia no komunidade lokal sira sai nudar dezafiu boot liu nebe ita sei hasoru atu atinji ita nia meta dezenvolvimentu no halakon mukit.
Igreja Katólica iha knar importante iha sociedade timorense, hodi jerasaun ba jerasaun, liu-liu iha area Edukasaun nian. Ita hanoin hikas katak ensinu seminariu nian, lori tempu naruk, iha epoka kolonial, sai nudar ensinu ne’ebe iha nivel as liu hotu iha ita nia teritoriu.

Kolejiu katolika hirak ne’e mak iha tempu ne’eba kontribui hodi hasa’e kualidade sistema edukativa nune’e sai koinesidu tebes tan’ba rigor profesor sira no sira nia kualidade ensinu. Iha tempu okupasaun nian, instituisaun ensinu katoliku nian sai nudar parte unika husi sistema edukativu nian ne’ebe konserva no promove elementu identidade nasional, wainhira espresaun elementus hirak ne’e ema bandu.

Bele afirma ho justisa katak Igreja Katolika fo kontribuisaun ida nebe’e unika, nebee labele troka, ba formasaun kuadru timorense, liu-liu iha segunda metade sekulu XX, no tulun atu hametin espiritu ema timor oan sira iha tempu modernu.

Hau propoen atu Igreja habelar liu tan ninia knar iha area Edukasaun nian hodi soe namkari ninia partisipasaun ho rin inovadora. Atu dezenvolve Edukasaun, ita presiza rekursu umanu sira nebe’e kualifikadu husi paiz tomak, atu servisu hamutuk ho ksolok. Ita hotu lalet ida atu manan funu ba Edukasaun.

Tan ne’e, hau propoen atu estabelese akordu ida ho Igreja Catolika atu Igreja mobiliza rekursu kualifikadu nebee nia iha kbit, nai lulik no relijioza sira iha ita nia paiz no, bainhira presiza, husi paiz belun sira, hanesan Portugal, Brasil, Filipinas, Indonésia, atu relijioza no nai lulik sira ne’e serbisu hamutuk ho governu atu hadia funsionamentu no tulun dezenvolvimentu ba ita nia eskola hirak ne’e.

Hau propoen atu nai lulik no relijioza sira responsabiliza tuir grupu eskola nian, iha distritu ida-idak, tuir termu Akordu ida atu estabelese ho Governu, atu nune’e eskola hotu iha paiz tomak hetan benefisiu orientasun no supervizaun husi nai lulik no relijioza ida, parseria ho Diresaun Nasional no Rejional Edukasaun nian no kuadru tekniku husi Administrasaun Eskolar.

Objetivu husi parseria ne’e ba hadiak liu tan disiplina, ba assiduidade eskolar alunu no profesor sira, ba kualidade aula nian no ba material edukativu, hodi hadia diak liu tan koinesimentu no rezultadu eskolar.

Paiz ida-idak iha rasik nia realidade. Ita hatene buka solusaun inovadora, nebe’e adpata ba nesesidade husi sosiedade ida-idak, hodi hatan ba dezafiu hirak ne’e. Kona ba Timor-Leste, realidade akonseila atu Estadu no Igreja tau kbit hamutuk iha parseria nasional ida, atu organiza ho maneira inovadora rekursu umanu kualifikadu nebe’e paiz iha, ho hanoin ba kauza komum ida deit mak manan bataila Edukasaun no hetan sosiedade ida nebe’e saudavel liu, forma ho diak, ho valor etiku nebe’e metin.

Timor-Leste país ida nebe’e rekoinese no respeita liberdade konsiensia no liberdade relijioza, tuir termu Konstituisaun no Lei. Ita nia luta tinan 24 nia laran ba libertasaun nasional mos sai nudar funu ba liberdade konsiensia nian. Maibe, Estadu iha dever atu trata oinseluk realidade nebe’e oioin, hodi asegura nafatin katak labele deskrimina ema ruma ho razaun konsiensia nian.

Buat ida mak relijiaun, seluk seita nebe’e envolve ba fraude, mak dala ruma ke’e baliza krime organizadu nian, ka hodi Maromak nia naran sira manipula ignoransia no ema nia fiar, halo promesa falsu atu hetan kliente ka esplora ema kiak sira nia meius nebe’e oituan ona. Ita koinese ejemplu – iha paiz hirak hanesan Brasil, Portugal, Estadus Unidus no paiz afrikanu barak, ema sira nebe’e invoka relijiaun, arma an ba pregador no buka atu konverte ema ba sira nia seita, halo promesa atu fo, husi aula ingles to’o komputador tuan, nst.

Promete salvasaun lato’o ba sira no paraizu bainhira ema mate ona, sira hahu oferese “milagre” iha rai ne’e. Profeta falsu salvador la para ho vigarise atu hetan nia objetivu – hanesan kazu famozu “milagre” ida nebe’e mak transmite husi televizaun, nebe’e Senora “paralitika” ida hamrik husi nia kadeira roda no hahu la’o, tuir mai deskobre katak paralitika falsu ne’e, loos duni sekretaria ba pregador nebe’e promove alegadu milagre ne’e.

Ho ida ne’e, hau la dehan katak Igreja Katólika iha monopoliu ba klamar iha Timor-Leste. Laiha no nunka iha.

Ita nia povu, iha maioria esmagadora, povu katoliku ida nebe’e moris fiar ba Igreja-mãe no mos baibain liga malu ho fiar jentiu husi hun, sem kulpa nem kompleksu. Iha sentidu lolós, ita sosiedade ida nebe’e espiritualmente livre liu kompara ho sosiedade hirak nebe’e dezenvolvidu, nebe’e ema barak moris ho angustia, ho estimulu material nebe’e bo’ot maibe kiak ba dezafiu espiritual. Iha ita nia paiz, ema katoliku sira mos moris hamutuk ho komunidade musulmana nebe’e iha abut husi jerasaun-ba–jerasaun. Ita mos moris hamutuk ho Igreja Protestante nebe’e tama iha paiz ne’e iha dekada barak nia laran ona, no ho sira ita iha konvivensia diak, solidariedade no respeitu malu, hau destaka, Igreja Evangélica Assembleia de Deus no Igreja Presbiteriana (hanaran igreja protestante de Timor-Leste, IPTL). Iha Timor- Leste la falta vokasaun hodi buka dalan Maromak nian no liberdade relijioza ne’e realidade moris lorloron nian iha ita nia sosiedade.

Maibe ita tenki matan mos nafatin kontra multiplikasaun promesa nian no “salvador sira” nebe’e invoka Maromak nia naran atu lori ita tuir dalan nakukun nebe’e ita la koinese.

Hau ema ida kontra violensia. Hau kondena atitude hotu nebe’e violenta no insidente hirak nebe’e povu reaje nudar rai nain hasoru seita sira mak foin to’o dadun iha Timor-Leste ne’e. Ida ne’e hau kondena nune’e mos violensia selu-seluk nebe’e mosu.

Solusaun ba problema kona ba profeta falsu no seita sira ne’e la’os violensia: solusaun ba ida ne’e iha servisu emigrasaun nian. Ita Estadu de Direito ida. Servisu Emigrasaun tenki monitoriza atividade hirak nebe’e la’os regular ba imigrante hodi aplika tuir Lei, atu revoga ka la renova imigrante sira nia vistu bainhira legalmente ida ne’e justifika duni.

Povu Timor Leste nian. Eselensia sira

Edukasaun, nebe’e hau temi ona, hela hanesan ita nia prioridade ida karik ita hakarak duni atu hamos mukit no fo impulsu nebe’e forti ba ita nia dezenvolvimentu. Atu sosiedade ida avansa ho nia dezenvolvimentu depende, husi parte diak ida, ba kriatividade no audasia atu deskobre resposta foun nebe’e adapta ba kondisaun sosiedade ida-idak. Tan ba ne’e, hau deside hodi konvida atu halibur malu ho ita iha 9º aniversáriu ba Restaurasaun Independência, ejemplu ida ba audasia no kriatividade, professor ida husi Colômbia, país dok nebe’e hau vizita ona ba dala uluk, iha 1997, ho misaun ida ne’ebe UNICEF husu atu halo negosiasaun ba libertasaun labarik no jovem sira, grupu ida ho ema nain sanulu resin lima nebe’e sekuestra husi grupu rebelde Colombianu ida. Hau nia knar ba UNICEF hetan fatin diak ida duni hodi liberta joven sira nebe’e refen, sai libertadu hotu ho diak no kasu sira husi dadur. Hanesan mos nebe’e akontese iha paiz barbarak nebe’e foin hala’o dezenvolvimentu, evolusaun kona ba situasaun iha Colombia ne’e ida nebe’e mak hau akompaina liu husi notisia no fonte selu-seluk, bainhira hau iha tempu ba ne’e.

Nune, iha tinan rua liu ba, artigu ida iha New York Times bolu hau nia atensaun ba solusaun original no inovadora husi profesor Colombiano ida. Hau konvida profesor ne’e. Sr. Luis Humberto Soriano, nebe oras ne’e daudaun iha ita nia let. Nia hamoris biblioteka ida hatur iha kuda buro nia kotuk, atu lori livru no habitu le’e ba labarik oan sira iha foho no iha interior Colombia nian. Profesor Soriano sai nudar ejemplu ema nebe servi alunus no halao misaun nudar profesor nebe merese rekonhesimentu.

Iha Timor-leste mo’os ita iha profesor barak nebe iha dedikasaun bo’ot tebes, nebe iha rai laran tomak, ho kondisoens nebe difisil, meski ho sakrifisiu, kontinua hanorin, akompanha no foram spiritualmente nia alunus sirak. Profesores hirak ne’e merese hau nia rekonhesimentu pesoal no husi ita nia komunidade. Iha okasiaun balun nebe liu tiha onan hau hato rekohesimentu ba religjiosos no relijiosas sira nebe, liu husi sira nia dedikasaun ba ita nia rai kontribui ba formasaun espiritual no edukasaun ita nia komunidade.

Padre João Felgueiras, Madre Maria Chioda, servisu orfanatu Santa Bakhita, orfanatu Beata Laura Vicuna, Eskola Primária no Jardim de Infância Maria Auxiliadora, servisu profesora no Madre Guilhermina Marçal sai nudar sasin ba figura no instituisaun nebe hau kondekora ou sira nebe simu Premiu Direitus Umanus, ba dedikasaun formasaun espiritual no kauza edukasaun iha ita nia komunidade. Servisu nebe relijiosa no relijiosus sira halao hetan rekonhesimentu husi ita nia rai.

Iha loron 20 de Maio ne, hau mos hakarak hakruk ba profesores sira nebe tam ba sira nia dedikasaun no kompetensias iha eskolas publikas hetan rekonhesimentu. Hau sei kondekora Dr. Armindo Maia, reitor dala uluk Universidade Nasional Timor-Leste, eme nebe hatudu nia kompetensia no dedikasaun ba Universidade, hori wain kedas iha tempu okupasaun, liu husi UNTIM, nebe nia sai nudar Vise-Reitor Timor oan. Hau mos sei kondekora profesor seluk ta’an nebe Ministeriu Edukasaun hatudu nudar ejemplu dedikasaun profesional. Iha tempu seluk iha tinan ne’e nia laran hau mos sei hato kondekorasaun ba sira nebe servi ita nia rai no ita nia povu iha area saude nian. Hau remata ho hau nian desejo no esperansa katak ejemplu dedikasaun nebe diak sei buras liu tan atu bele hadiak edukasaun no formasaun espiritual ita nia foin sae sira nian.

Obrigadu barak ba ita bo’ot sira tomak